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Food Truck Business

There are many different types of food trucks in the market but you need to know where to look to find one. Since they are mobile, they are usually in different places almost every day. You cannot just simply drive around looking for one you need to go on the web and search for them as they are mobile and tend to move around. When you do find a food truck that hits the spot for you, remember to get their number and website so you can track them down easily the next time. Food trucks tend to have a select number of places they go throughout the week. For example let's say that you wanted to eat Sundae’s Ice Cream on a Monday and they are not there but when you go on Tuesday they are there most like likely Sundae’s Ice cream will be there the next Tuesday as well.

There are food trucks that specialize in making sweet such as ice cream, crepes, and my favorite fudge bar trucks, and others that specialize in savory foods like sandwiches, hot dogs, steaks, burritos etc; but each food truck has one thing in common and that is serving foods that are easy to eat, easy to handle, and best of all one of a kind. This benefits all customers especially ones on the go. I especially love the sweet food like the food truck Fudge Puppies that sell great tasting fudge bars for a reasonable price because I’m a big sweet tooth. I like to equate food trucks to hidden pearls because they are hard to find, but you just need to know where to look.

1. Name: Sweet Stuffers

2. Logo:

3. Slogan: "Dessert’s always the answer"

4. Type of food or cuisine? This food truck would be dessert related. All the desserts a person ever wanted for a fare price. My food truck would sell multi flavored Cake Pops, Cupcakes, chocolate truffles, different flavored fudge bars,

Ice-cream, etc.

5. Area of concentration: my food truck would concentrate on areas such as University and college campuses (College students spend heavily on food because they do not have time to cook), weekend parties, and food fests (food fest are the best way to get your name out there).

6. Marketing Strategy: It is very important for every business to have a marketing strategy so that they can reach their as much of their target audience as possible. The marketing strategy for Sweet Stuffers is:

  1. YouTube Commercials

  2. Facebook

  3. Twitter

  4. Pinterest

7. How do you design the truck “think Attitude”

The type of truck I would have would have to be a Class 4 Large Walk-in truck. My colors I would use on the whole truck would be bright colors such as bright purple, the text should be and white. Bright colors connote pops of flavor—such as sweets and desserts and the color white connotes cleanliness and purity. The back of the truck would have the company name followed by the logo and the Call to Action for drivers driving behind the truck on the road and freeway. Another strategic location to put my logo, and slogan would be on left hand side of the truck right in the middle and on right hand side of the truck towards the back so it gives enough space for the serving window to open. On the top of the serving window I would have the Website of my food truck followed by my number. Then on both sides of the door of the truck I would have the name of the company but not the slogan or logo. This would serve a dual purpose of marketing for the company and getting people to visit their page as a call to action, whether they are parked for service or driving around.

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