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Imran Ahmed

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle

Background: I was born in La Palma, California a little over two decades ago. Even though California is my homeland, I did not live here all of my life. Believe it or not I spent 3 1/2 years of my childhood living in Sitka, Alaska. Throughout my life I have always been artistic, creative, and have had a way of putting stories together. My teachers always told me to either become an Artist or a filmmaker because they saw my potential through my wild imagination. As I grew older and my creativity only increased, I knew they were right. I changed my major a few times between Film-making and Marketing, but it was not until my last year of Junior College when I decided to explore Advertising. That way I could incorporate my interest in film making and Creative Marketing. Now I am student at Cal State Fullerton studying Communications and on my way to becoming a very Creative Advertiser.

School Attending: California State University Fullerton

Major in School: Communication; in Advertising

Passion: I have many things that i love to do, but what my passion is is Filming and taking pictures of nature. I like making video commercials as well and helping my friend with his YouTube Chanel called Swift. Another one of my passion is to hike to the top of mountains and travel across the world.

Field of Interest:
- Advertising
- Art (free hand drawing, painting sketching, etc)
- Story telling and story writing
- Filmings
- History

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