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The Future of Advertising in Virtual Reality

The concept of virtual reality has been in the public’s imagination since the age of computers and let me tell you that even for a person like me who was born in the 90’s, that was ages ago. But the concept and manifestation of virtual reality has been evolving as fast as technology itself. As we become more and more dependent on our cell phones to be our one device housing all our needs, virtual reality and gaming is also making strides in the cell phone world. A few years back, Facebook, Sony, HTC, Google and a few other companies announced the new invention VR (Virtual Reality device). Even though each company’s VR device names are different, they all pretty much do the same thing - which is taking you to a virtual world where the possibilities are endless. This VR device goes on your head the same way goggles do but instead of making you see the real world they let you see a virtual world. This device only came out in 2015 although they were first introduced by Palmer Luckey in 2010 much of the public still does not know about it yet, let alone have it, although I believe that this form of virtual reality will become commonplace in five to six years.

As mentioned earlier, cell phones are another great place where virtual reality has already taken a stand. People play many games where they are immersed in the action of the game for hours on end and sometimes even feel like they are in the game itself, or at least I sure feel that way. In the future of virtual reality I believe that advertisers will have a fun time playing around with consumer’s perceptiveness. One way to do that is to have product placement in the virtual reality console or cell phones. What advertisers can do with this is what they already do with our computers, and that is track what you play and your habits over time via the VR connection to your cell phone. There are endless possibilities for virtual reality in the coming years and also for advertiser, but now all we can do is wait and just imagine what the future of VR has in store.

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